How Great Working Practices Can Boost Productivity

How Great Working Practices Can Boost Productivity

If it’s true that the most important asset of an organisation is its team, then looking after them must be the number one priority for all business owners.

A happy team is a more productive team. People want to come to work, they enjoy what they do, and they work harder and more harmoniously.

The workplace setting and the culture of an organisation is an important determinator of a team’s productivity. Get this right, and a business is on course for success.

But the million-dollar question is, how?

What can you do, as a business owner, to tweak your organisation’s structure and way of working, so you balance the office ecosystem and get the most out of your team?

Here are a few simple changes you could make that, taken collectively, will go a long way to achieving just that.

Who’s In The Office?

If you operate a hybrid system, but notice few people are ever in, there may be something about the office setting that is putting your team off. Look around carefully, what can you see that should be changed? Ask your team how you can improve their working environment. A great workplace is much more conducive to productivity.

How’s The Office Culture?

Do your team bond and have fun, and have lots of opportunities for forming good colleague relationships both at work and outside the working day? If not, then introduce some team-building activities, or social events which will help bring cohesion.

What’s The Working Day Like?

Are you allowing your team enough time to work, or are they overloaded with meetings? These can really hamper productivity. As was once said: “Meetings should be like salt – a spice sprinkled carefully to enhance a dish, not poured recklessly over every forkful.”

Are You Helping Your Teams To Grow?

It’s important for the business and for people’s personal development, that they are given an opportunity to grow and expand their skills.

Introduce personal goals and performance reviews and invest in opportunities for learning that benefit them as individuals and not just the business.

How ‘Healthy’ Are Your Team?

Supporting employees’ physical and mental health through wellness programs and initiatives can lead to reduced absenteeism and increased overall productivity.

Do Your Team Have The Right Tools?

Providing employees with the right tools, technology, and resources necessary to perform their jobs efficiently can reduce frustrations and barriers to productivity. How often have we all become irritated with tech because it’s not performing properly?

Are Your Team Rewarded?

Recognising employees’ efforts and achievements boosts morale and encourages them to continue performing at their best. Rewarding outstanding work reinforces a culture of excellence and motivates others to excel. It’s a win-win.

How Good Are You At Communicating?

Effective communication is essential for a productive workplace.

Clear instructions, open channels of communication, and regular feedback help minimise misunderstandings and ensure that employees understand their roles and responsibilities and are happy to work hard to achieve their goals.

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