Why rent an office in Swindon?

Did you know?

With its superb rail and road links to London, Bath, Bristol and South Wales, having office space in Swindon is an ideal location for anyone needing fast Thames Valley and M4 access.  The city is only 1 hour from London by train, and 45 minutes from Bristol, Reading and Cheltenham by car.

In fact, 79% of Senior UK business leaders rate Swindon’s prime location on the M4 corridor & rail links very highly, according to an ICM survey Jan in 2012.

Also Swindon ranks in the top 5 UK towns and cities for business investment, and has the highest GVA per head in the west:  it’s 12.5% above the national average, according to the Office for National Statistics.

This productive workforce and economical resilience makes Swindon one of the top 10 innovative areas in the UK.  Yet on average, commercial property rents are up to 50% less than those in Reading or Bristol.

Katy Tanner, Director – Southern Counties and Thames Valley, Robert Half UK comments:

“As a key hub within the M4 corridor, businesses are increasing investing in talent within Swindon. Key roles growing in demand are commercial accounting roles, such as finance business partners, credit controllers and newly-qualified accountants. As a commuter hub for many in Reading, Bristol and London, the pharmaceuticals, retail and manufacturing industries are competing for local top talent.”

Kingston House serviced office, exteriorRombourne’s Kingston House in Swindon is literally 30 seconds’ drive from junction 16 of the M4.  Located in the Lydiard Fields business estate, Kingston House offers executive serviced office accommodation at very competitive rates.  The building is Grade A, fully air conditioned, has high speed broadband and plenty of parking spaces.  It’s also within walking distance of local amenities such as coffee shops, cafes and hotels.

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Telephone: 03300 580 110 - Email: info@rombourne.co.uk

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